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It’s official: The new NCMB position statement on treating self/family

The NC Medical Board in March approved a revised version of its position statement on treating oneself and/or members of one’s family. The vote concluded a yearlong process of review and discussion, including an unprecedented level of direct feedback from licensees of the Board, of this controversial position statement. The Board greatly appreciates those licensees who took the time to offer their thoughts.

A note on controlled substances
The Board is pursuing new administrative rules that would prohibit physicians and physician assistants from prescribing controlled substances to themselves or to family members. The Board voted to add a line to the position statement that references the rule by title/number once it is finally approved and in effect.

Read the revised position statement. The Board welcomes your feedback. Please take a moment to complete a one question survey rating the revised position statement.

Other recently amended position statements
Referral fees and fee splitting – Amended January 2012 (changed “physician” to “licensee” throughout)
Advertising and publicity – Amended March 2012 (changed to say that licensees who advertise board certification must list the name of the certifying board in the advertisement)

View the complete position statements of the Board.