Resources & Information

Jun 9 2016

Questions about opioid prescribing? NCMB speakers have answers

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Responsible opioid prescribing is currently one of the Board’s most active policy and regulatory priorities. Inviting an NCMB speaker to your professional meeting or practice group is a great way to stay on top of the latest developments.

Invite a Board speaker to stay informed about available prescribing resources, changes to rules and policies, and other topics. NCMB speakers can explain the Board’s latest effort to expand oversight of opioid prescribing and answer questions about program goals and expectations for licensees. NCMB speakers can review the proposed new requirement related to CME in chronic pain management and related topics. Opioid presentations also include a review of NCMB’s position statement on the use of opiates for the treatment of pain, including discussion of conduct or care that is likely to attract Board attention, ways to avoid problems and more.

Contact NCMB’s Communications Director to schedule a speaker. Three months advance notice is preferred to enable Board staff to secure a Board Member for your meeting or event.

Telephone: (919) 326-1109 x230 or email:

Or, use NCMB's online Speaker Request form

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