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Jul 31 2008

Seeking Physician to Serve on the Electrolysis Board

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The North Carolina Medical Board (NCMB) nominates a physician to the Governor of North Carolina to be appointed to the North Carolina Board of Electrolysis Examiners (NCBEE) for a three-year term.The offices of the NCBEE are in Greensboro, where board meetings occur approximately twice a year.

The NCBEE consists of five board members, including one physician. The NCBEE regulates the practice of electrolysis in North Carolina.

The only requirement for appointment pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 88A-5 is that the nominee be a “physician licensed under Chapter 90 of the General Statutes.” No particular medical or surgical specialty is required. However, a dermatologist or plastic surgeon would be preferred given the scope of practice of electrologists, which includes laser hair removal.

For more information, please visit the NCBE Web site at If you are interested in serving on this board, please send a letter of interest, along with a curriculum vitae, to R. David Henderson, Executive Director, NC Medical Board,

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