Requesting certified copies of Board information
The NC Medical Board maintains the state’s most comprehensive database of information on licensed physicians and physician assistants. Visitors to the website may access public information on more than 40,000 licensees free of charge.
On occasion, certain organizations, licensing boards and even members of the general public require certified copies of the public information found on the Board’s website. A certified copy will include a statement attesting that the documents are an official and true record of the North Carolina Medical Board.
If you are interested in obtaining certified copies of NCMB public documents you may send your request to the Board via email. Please allow our staff 2-3 weeks to fulfill your request. If you are requesting certified copies of documents for several licensees, or the documents you requested are numerous and lengthy, please allow additional processing time.
Access the Board’s Licensee Search to simply view and print public documents for NCMB licensees.