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MedBoard Matters Podcast

Medical regulation is an important but complicated topic. Join MedBoard Matters host Jean Fisher Brinkley to explore the North Carolina Medical Board’s mission and responsibilities and learn how NCMB protects the public. New episodes are published monthly.

In the most recent episode of MedBoard Matters, host, Jean Fisher Brinkley talks with NCMB's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Karen Burke-Haynes about clinician reticence to complete death certificates and how they can re-frame this "final" service to patients.

Posted June 1, 2021 | 
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In this episode of MedBoard Matters, host, Jean Fisher Brinkley talks with NCMB's Chief Investigative Officer, Pat Berckmiller about scams that target our licensees and what steps they can take to protect themselves. Jean also covers some "red flags" to listen for if a phone call sounds a little fishy. Finally, Jean shares some tools that might mitigate any damage for folks who may have already fallen prey to a scammer.

Posted April 28, 2021 | 
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In this episode of MedBoard Matters, host, Jean Fisher Brinkley highlights the Board's 2020 annual report and speaks with the Board's Chief Communications Officer and Legislative Liaison, Evelyn Contre about the Board's Covid-19 response.

Posted April 5, 2021 | 
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In this episode of MedBoard Matters, we talk with NC DHHS Sec. Dr. Mandy Cohen about the Covid vaccination efforts in NC and how our licensees can help.

Posted February 26, 2021 | 
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In this episode of MedBoard Matters, host, Jean Fisher Brinkley speaks with Marissa Hoechstetter who is a survivor of sexual assault by her physician and is now an active patient advocate speaking out to raise awareness and demand greater accountability. Jean also speaks with Board paralegal Wanda Long who is the staff member who originated the role of Victim Services Coordinator here at the North Carolina Medical Board.

Posted January 26, 2021 | 
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NCMB has created several new resources to help patients understand what to expect during a physical examination and learn to recognize red flags and signs of possible sexual misconduct by a medical professional. Listen in as host, Jean Fisher Brinkley talks with the Board's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Karen Burke-Haynes and Deputy General Counsel, Brian Blankenship about these new consumer resources.

Posted December 18, 2020 | 
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Since the onset of coronavirus pandemic, we've all had to make some significant changes to how we approach our work. NCMB closed its offices to visitors since mid-March, and the day-to-day work is done by staff at home. One of the biggest challenges for us was how could we pull off a Board Meeting? In this episode of MedBoard Matters we are going to talk about our experiences presenting virtual meetings, and share details on how you can listen in.

Posted November 17, 2020 | 
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After listening to this episode of MedBoard Matters, you should have a clear understanding of what a medical board complaint can and cannot achieve. You’ll know what types of issues the Board can address, what kind of providers NCMB has authority over and, most important, how patient complaints help NCMB protect the public.

Posted November 2, 2020 | 
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